As Health Care Costs Bite, Here’s How You Can Help Your Workers
Recent studies have highlighted an alarming trend in American health care: More and more people are struggling with medical bills and many are delaying care due to high costs. The most recent poll by Gallup found that 38% of those surveyed
Premium Reimbursement Plans Grow in Usage, Despite Drawbacks
More employers are opting to fund accounts that their employees can draw on to purchase their own health insurance, either on an Affordable Care Act exchange or on the open individual market, according to a new report. Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement
Health Expenses a Major Source of Mental Health Issues for U.S. Workers
A new study has found that more than one in four U.S. workers say expensive medical bills are having a major impact on their mental health. Mental health issues have come to the fore during the COVID-19 pandemic, spurring employers to
IRS to Get Tough on ACA Reporting Form Mistakes
The time when the IRS offers relief from financial penalties to employers that make errors on their group health insurance reporting forms has come to an end. Starting this year, the IRS will no longer offer protection against reporting error penalties
Trimming Hours to Avoid Employer Mandate Can Land You in Hot Water
Ever since the Affordable Care Act was enacted, critics of the law have said that employers would cut staff or reduce workers' hours to avoid coming under the employer mandate requiring them to provide coverage for their staff. But employers that
Changes for 2021 Summary of Benefits and Coverage
There are new Summary of Benefits and Coverage notice requirements for health plans starting with the 2021 coverage year. The requirements, released by the Department of Labor, have new model templates, new instructions and new information that affects the coverage examples